Monday, June 28, 2010

Look What I Did

I decided to paint the kids bathroom this weekend. It's so plain and boring and now that they don't share the bathroom with guests, I might as well make it their own.

I began by removing the old nasty towel racks. One of the came down nice and easy. The other?

Well, see for yourself.

"Oh fiddlestix!" I exclaimed. And then I shrugged my shoulders and continued whistling Zippiddy Doo Da.

Are you kidding me? I cussed very loudly and threw the towel rack across the room.

As you might imagine, this put a damper on finishing up what should have been a 2 hour project.

And no, I will not be giving a tutorial for patching holes in walls.

1 comment:

Ali @ Honey and Maple Syrup said...

What a pain in the butt! I hope it wasn't too much trouble to fix.